American Rescue Plan

American Rescue Plan

American Rescue Plan Webinar

Fact Sheets about the American Rescue Plan

State and Local Aid Guidance from the U.S. Treasury Department
American Rescue Plan Act Fact Sheets
American Rescue Plan Act Provisions for Specific Sectors

Coronavirus State and Local Relief Fund Allocations

Coronavirus State and Local Relief Fund Allocations funding allocations to states, territories, counties and large metropolitan cities (with populations greater than 50,000):

Source: U.S. Department of the Treasury, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds

Allocations to non-metropolitan local governments, with populations less than 50,000, are made by the states. Below are tables showing the amounts going to small cities, boroughs and townships in selected states:
State departments of education allocate Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to local school districts. Below are district allocations to selected states:

If you have an allocation table for small local governments or school districts in another state, or want assistance in finding the allocation table for your state, please contact us.

American Rescue Plan Calculator

AFSCME led the fight to pass the American Rescue Plan, resulting in funding to strengthen public services and to get money in people’s pockets. AFSCME’s interactive American Rescue Plan tool makes it easy to explain the benefits to communities and to see how your members of Congress voted.