Enduring Challenges: Examining the Experiences of States that Closed Pension Plans National Institute on Retirement Security, August 2019 A series of case studies showing that shifting new employees from defined benefit (DB) pensions to defined contribution (DC) or cash balance plans increased costs for taxpayers with no significant improvements in funding.
Public Pension Defense Toolkit National Public Pension Coalition and the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems, February 2019
Investment Return Assumption Brief National Association of State Retirement Administrators, February 2020 Among the 130 plans examined, nearly all reduced their assumption in recent years, resulting in a decline in the average return assumption from 7.52 percent in 2017 to 7.20 percent in 2020.
2018 Comparative Study of Major Public Employee Retirement Systems Wisconsin Legislative Council, February 2019 The study compares significant features of 85 state and local retirement systems, including plan membership, Social Security coverage, benefit calculations and eligibility, contribution rates, vesting requirements, post-retirement increases, taxes, and actuarial and accounting information.